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Your gateway to real and unfiltered guidance to higher education

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Why StudentHookup Exist
About StudentHookup

We are the most useful Caribbean student community.  We allow our members to connect with service providers thereby allowing them to make less expensive purchases on the things that matter.

We believe the best support for students often comes from other students.  They are the people  who truly understand the challenges students are facing, because they face those challenges themselves. Studentookup is an online community where thousands of students help each other out. As the largest online engagement platform for students within the Caribbean region, it`s an invaluable part of life for most young people looking for meaningful connections, life advise and study support.

StudentHookup works in partnership with more than 1000 colleges and universities, student organizations, and alumni associations, and more than 3000 participating business locations to develop products and services that enable students to make less expensive and more convenient purchases as they pursue higher education. Our exclusive university and business relationships allow us to sell campus-specific products and services directly to parents, students and alumni.

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StudentHookup is a thriving community of students using our  on-site forums and content to support each other.

StudentHookup is a thriving community of students using our on-site forums and content to support each other through education, life around learning, all the way through to careers. Whether its getting study help, advice choosing a university or college, which laptop to buy or what career to pursue; learning from the advice and experiences of others is a unique and invaluable component for StudentHookup members.

We are passionately about students and have a dedicated team of employees, volunteers and forum helpers working behine the scenes to nurture, support and grow our community.


The StudentHookup Membership Program is a fee-based program that provides members with exclusive benefits including ongoing discounts on products and services currently offered by participating locations.



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“Discuss and benefit together. We are the most useful community for high school, college and university students”
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